PEI is Canada’s Food Island
The Island has a proud tradition of offering only the best products from the land and sea, sustainably produced in a quality environment, harvested and processed with care. Our business community is committed to innovative and value-added approaches to our traditional and primary sectors.
The land here is rich, producing a bounty of fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products. As a result, we are a choice food-processing location known for high food safety standards and innovation.

Prince Edward Island is a complete aerospace location with specific strengths and opportunities in maintenance, repair, overhaul, auto-structure repair, and commercial pilot training.

Manufacturing is a large contributor to all areas of the PEI economy. Our Island companies produce a range of goods such as packaging materials, live-bottom trailers, and wood products.

Renewable Energy & Cleantech
Known as the Green Province, Prince Edward Island has established itself as a North American leader in wind energy and is positioned for leadership in emerging renewable energies.